Jihan Latimer

Giuseppe Garibaldi Lesson Plan by Jihan Latimer

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Giuseppe Garibaldi Lesson Plan by Jihan Latimer

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Type: Original

Uploaded on: Wednesday 13th Sep, 2023


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P.A Core Standard
Draw evidence from the informational texts to support analysis, reflection, research/applying grade-level reading standards.

Big Idea
Write an opinion piece on the text, "Giuseppe Garibaldi Encourages His Soldiers." Introduce the topic, state an opinion, and provide reasons.
Text: https://www.historyplace.com/speeches/garibaldi.htm

Essential Questions
Why is Red Shirts a symbol for Italy?

Enduring Understanding
Determine how Giuseppe Garibaldi's portrait by Jihan makes connections from the reading, "Guiseppe Garibaldi Encourages His Soldiers" text.

Performance Task
KWL charts, Graphic Organizers, Journals

Other Evidence
Students provide reasons from portrait & text to support their opinion.

Learning Activities
Use Giuseppe Garibaldi's portrait to stage the introduction of the topic before reading the text, "Giuseppe Garibaldi Encourages His Soldiers."
-Make a claim about Jihan Latimer's portrait.
- Identify support for the claim.
- Ask a question related to the claim.
- What is the visible story?
What is the human story?
What is the world story?
What is the untold story?

Text: Giuseppe Garibaldi Encourages His Soldiers

Red Shirts?

Guided Practice
Work in teams to observe and analyze Jihan Latimer's portrait of Giuseppe Garibaldi and write an opinion piece, after reading, "Giuseppe Garibaldi Encourages His Soldiers" text.

Check For Understanding
Due Now
Students will discuss Giuseppe Garibaldi's portrait, to determine what type of military officer he was/the unity of Italy.

Independent Practice
SWBAT: Write their own opinion piece, using Jihan Latimer's Garibaldi portrait and the text, "Giuseppe Garibaldi Encourages his Soldiers" speech.

Differentiated Instruction
Portraiture & Text "Giuseppe Garibaldi Encourages his Soldiers."

What do you see? What do you think about it?

Students will read each other's opinion piece in groups, to provide feedback to others in the group.

More artwork from Jihan Latimer