Alex Veek

Alex Veek

Member since Tuesday 21st Mar, 2023

I consider myself a soul of positive contradiction. Appreciating stability and predictability, which gives a sense of security, I seek change and novelty as it facilitates growth and development. Enjoying order and harmony, I find chaos and asymmetry attractively intriguing and bold. Cherishing tradition and memories, I incline towards fresh, original, unique ideas. The powerful concept that stands behind it, is balance, and this is what I always strive to achieve in who I am and what I do – what I create.

As my paintings reflect my disposition and artistic vision, they are the interplay of contradiction and harmony, realism and abstract, beauty and imperfection – the representation of balance that brings peace and tranquillity. I want my art to attract feelings, not understanding. I want it to invite a viewer to increase their emotional vocabulary in order to understand more not a painting itself, but the feelings it evokes.

I believe a human face, which is my main focus, is a perfect mean to capture as well as arouse emotions.
In order to create the above-mentioned interplay, I experiment with different media, techniques and tools, introducing a lot of texture.