Linda Jenkins

Linda Jenkins

Member since Friday 1st Jul, 2022

I have been interested in painting for many years, l ‘lived’ in Italy for over twenty years and had my own studio where l created designs and transferred onto linen for the local village ladies to hand embroider. The last 5 years l have been able to dedicate more time to my passion, my favourite medium is painting in acrylic usually on large canvases, 90 x 90cm. I tried my hand at Lino printing 4 yrs ago and can say l am totally addicted to it trying to improve with each design and print. I belong to some local art groups and have just started to enter my work in local exhibitions where l have been quite fortunate to have sold some of my paintings and hand printed Lino prints. This spring one of my larger canvases was voted by the public ‘Best in Show’ which was a great confidence booster.