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Helen Williams

Helen Williams

Member since Wednesday 12th Jul, 2023

I’m an intuitive painter, manifesting images in which to rest the busy-ness of a modern mind. Often with a semi surreal painting of an imagined landscape. The landscape of an inner view that invites calm and serenity, an oasis in the seeming chaos of modern living.

Through energetic sweeps and swooshes with brush and palette knife, to more considered layers of detail, I create images that, in their creation, offer insight to my way of viewing the world in my view. Whether I use a restricted palette or a gamut of colour all is intuitively formed. Each painting informs another and rarely are any preparatory sketches done. It’s all fresh and uniquely created.

Being a child in rural Essex in the 1960’s and 70’s my formative years there was an abundance of nature right on my doorstep and I was a constant collector of bugs and insects. Curios of shape and form, from flowers to sticks, stones and skulls. Trees to climb, fields to run through or just lie down and watch clouds and birds. I would draw those outer things, and took exams in art at school but it wasn’t with a passion such as I feel now. Childhood circumstances overshadowed that, I became what I thought others wanted of me. That was the way of living I have had for most of my life. I have not been hard done by, nor am I victim of that. I have laughed and loved with my husband of nearly 40 years, and our children became wonderful adults. Our grand children are amazing humans.

The sudden death of our son in 2018 at age 28 was a life changer. A bringer of grief that cleft this human through the heart. To bring to light all that I am finding myself to be. Here, now, learning, loving, living with joy. Healing in process.

As an avid reader in those early years, my imagination could go to distant shores. I am now the author of what is written through images. No denying the Artist through and through.