Serghei Stepanov

Serghei Stepanov

Member since Sunday 17th Mar, 2024

Serghei Stepanov is a 43-year-old UK-based abstract artist creating dreamy pieces on canvas, paper, and digital mediums. His work is an expression of his life experiences and the illusory nature of reality. He uses colours, shapes, and textures intentionally to convey meaning, unconcerned about fitting into any style or genre. Serghei left his birthplace of Moldova when he was 10 years old to move to Romania, and after his father’s death in 2006, he moved to Bristol, UK, where he pursued a career as a formwork carpenter. After several years of hands-on work, he finally decided to follow his childhood passion into the world of abstract visual art. Behind all Serghei’s work is the belief that we live in a dream within a dream. His work seeks to express his own unique version of reality, while also acknowledging that it is nothing more than that—a dream. He dabbles in both intellectual and non-intellectual abstract work and hopes to inspire anyone who is open to receiving, while leaving his own footprint of human experience for the world to see. His muses include Kandinsky, Malevich, and Dalí, as well as the many forms of light, shadow, shape, colour, and texture in nature. Serghei knows that the best way to continue making art that matters is to never stop asking questions while continuously striving to be a better human.