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Maria Esmar

Maria Esmar

Member since Monday 27th May, 2024

In my abstract paintings, I embrace the boundless freedom of artistic expression, exploring the realms of emotion, energy, and the intangible. Through bold brushstrokes, vibrant colors, and dynamic compositions, I strive to capture the essence of the human experience and the hidden narratives that lie beneath the surface.

My artistic process is one of spontaneity and intuition. I surrender to the fluidity of paint, allowing it to guide my hand and shape the emerging forms on the canvas. I am drawn to the power of abstraction to transcend the confines of representation, inviting viewers to embark on their own personal interpretations and emotional connections with the artwork.
With each piece, I aim to create a visual language that speaks directly to the soul.
The interplay of colors, textures, and gestural marks invites a sensory experience that transcends words. Through layers of paint, I build depth and complexity, revealing hidden depths and inviting viewers to explore the rich tapestry of emotions within.
My abstract works are a reflection of my own inner world, an exploration of the human psyche, and a celebration of the beauty found in chaos and complexity. They are an invitation to step outside the boundaries of logic and immerse oneself in the realm of pure sensation and emotion.