Deborah Richards

Deborah Richards

Member since Wednesday 30th Mar, 2016

Debbie Richards is an artist living and working in Suffolk, England. She has her own web site, which acts as a shop window for her work. In the past she has exhibited at The Royal Institute of Oil Painters, The Royal Society of British Artists, the Hunting Art Prizes exhibition at the Royal College of Art and the Society of Wildlife Artists. Deborah is an active member of Ipswich Art Society, which is in its 125th year and one of the oldest art societies in the UK, outside of London.

Deborah was born in Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, on the South West coast of England, but now lives with her family in Ipswich near the East coast. She has five children, most of whom have grown up and left home. Back in 2005 she received a BA in Fine Art (Painting) from Glyndwr University in North Wales. The experience was one of the happiest times of her life. She also has an earlier degree in Psychology and an MBA from Manchester Business School.

Deborah’s website carries images of her paintings divided into groups by subject type rather than medium – Nature, Portraits and Drawings/Prints. Her nature paintings are by far the largest group of works, trees and gardens being her favourite subjects. She prefers to work in oils on canvas because she likes thick, buttery paint and the nuances of colour that it can achieve. Deborah uses various paint techniques to achieve the effects she seeks including over-painting in layers, coloured glazes and scumbles, giving her total control of her chosen medium.